Fluid Force


❗❗❗THIS GAME IS IN BETA VERSION! EXPECT BUGS, MISSING FEATURES, AND A BUNCH OF STUFF COMING SOON!❗❗❗ Fluid Force is a game on lava rising style, escape the deadly rising fluid on dozens of different maps with bunch of different fluid types 🏅PREMIUM BENEFITS: FANCY TRAIL (also available for players with VIP gamepass!) 👑 Get to the top to get a win and raise on the leaderboard! 💀 Escape dozens types of the rising fluid! 💎 Collect gems on tons of different and unique maps! 🎁 Check the game every day for your daily reward! 💵 Spend your gems in the shop to buy upgrades and cosmetics for your character! ✨ LIKE, FAVORITE AND FOLLOW THE GAME AND INVITE YOUR FRIENDS FOR MORE UPDATES! 

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